Discover The Skills To Detox Your Life And Reconnect With Your Body So You Can Get Your Confidence Back And Start Building Your Dream Life In…

The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

The 90-Day whole again


The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

The 90-Day whole again


The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

The 90-Day whole again


The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

The 90-Day whole again


The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

The 90-Day 'whole again'


What Will We Talk About
When You Book Your Transformation
Session With Me?
 What Is Your Typical Day-To-Day Routine Like Right Now?
What is your life like right now? Do you have a daily exercise routine?

How confident do you feel when you look in the mirror? What are some of your favorite foods + what do you normally eat? 

Understanding what your current life is like will help me build a plan that will help YOU get to where you want to be.
 Is There Anything That Is Draining You And Preventing You From Being Where You Want To Be? 
When you look at your daily routine, is there anything that DRAINS you? (This includes habits, foods, relationships)

Anything that feels dark and yucky to do? If so, what is it?

Understanding what might be draining you will show me how to build a plan to overcome your energy drains.
 Why Do You Want Help NOW?
What’s made you want my help right now?

Why is it important for you to start the path to become Whole Again starting today?
 I Will Build A 90-Day “Whole Again Path” To Help You Get The Results You Want
If we decide we are a good fit to work together on our call, I will build out a 90-day “Whole Again Path” to help you get from where you are today to where you WANT to be in your dream day-to-day life!

Wondering what your “Whole Again Path” will do for you?
What Will We Talk About When You Book Your Transformation Session With Me?
 What Is Your Typical Day-To-Day Routine Like Right Now?
What is your life like right now? Do you have a daily exercise routine?
How confident do you feel when you look in the mirror? What are some of your favorite foods + what do you normally eat? 

Understanding what your current life is like will help me build a plan that will help YOU get to where you want to be.
 Is There Anything That Is Draining You And Preventing You From Being Where You Want To Be? 
When you look at your daily routine, is there anything that DRAINS you? (This includes habits, foods, relationships)

Anything that feels dark and yucky to do? If so, what is it?

Understanding what might be draining you will show me how to build a plan to overcome your energy drains.
 Why Do You Want Help NOW?
What’s made you want my help right now?

Why is it important for you to start the path to become Whole Again starting today?
 I Will Build A 90-Day “Whole Again Path” To Help You Get The Results You Want
If we decide we are a good fit to work together on our call, I will build out a 90-day “Whole Again Path” to help you get from where you are today to where you WANT to be in your dream day-to-day life!

Wondering what your “Whole Again Path” will do for you?
What Will We Talk About?
When You Book Your Transformation Session With Me, We'll Cover:
What Is Your Typical Day-To-Day Routine Like Right Now?
What is your life like right now? Do you have a daily wellness routine?

How confident do you feel when you look in the mirror? What are some of your favorite foods + what do you normally eat? 

Understanding what your current life is like will help me build a plan that will help YOU get to where you want to be.
Is There Anything That Is Draining You And Preventing You From Being Where You Want To Be? 
When you look at your daily routine, is there anything that DRAINS you? (This includes habits, foods, relationships)

Anything that feels dark and yucky to do? If so, what is it?

Understanding what might be draining you will show me how to build a plan to overcome your energy drains.
Why Do You Want Help NOW?
What’s made you want my help right now?

Why is it important for you to start the path to become Whole Again starting today?
I Will Build A 90-Day “Whole Again Path” To Help You Get The Results You Want
If we decide we are a good fit to work together on our call, I will build out a 90-day “Whole Again Path” to help you get from where you are today to where you WANT to be in your dream day-to-day life!
Wondering what your “Whole Again Path” will do for you?
See what Some Of My Client have to say!
"I look like I’m glowing"
Having DELICIOUS healthy meals ready for you sets this cleanse apart!

I was never hungry and cravings are easy to avoid as you have something tasty and nourishing waiting for you. I feel and look great!

My father in law actually commented that I look like I’m glowing, without knowing I was on a cleanse lol! My chiropractor can always tell when I’m doing the glow because I have almost no inflammation.

- Erin T, Calgary, momma and corporate gal

"I am feeling the glow!"
I am sleeping well, my skin is the best it’s looked in a long time, no more stomach aches, and my energy is so much better and no more mid day slump! I lost 5 lbs in three weeks.

- Lauren E, Calgary

"took a lot of stress out of my day to day"
I loved the time it freed up and not having to think about what I was going to make for the day, took a lot of stress out of my day to day. 

A great program to get your health on track and cut out the sugar cravings, gives you the head start required when you need to get your nutrition back in control.

- Glower

"I recommend this program in a major way"
I really didn’t expect the impact that this program had on my body, my mood, my energy levels or my hormones. 

I recommend this program in a major way to anyone who wants to do a reset in a major way!

- Janis I, Calgary, pilates instructor

"I was so happy with the results"
Grow the Glow cleanse was a great opportunity for me to try cutting out meat for a short period of time to see how I felt physically and emotionally about the decision all while having meals prepped in advance so there was little for me to think about in that regard. 

I was so happy with the results of reducing my sugar and salt cravings to literally zero, having an abundance of energy and losing a bit of weight. This cleanse has shown me that eating veggies can be so delicious and great for my body and mind!

- Meaghan, Calgary

"Grow the Glow was the exact reset I needed"
The best part of this program was taking the thinking out of the meal prep and recipes, and the salads were absolutely delicious. Feeling less cravings for sweets after meals, feeling more satisfied with smaller portions and I feel slimmer. 

My husband noticed I lost weight and my eating habits have improved! Grow the Glow was the exact reset I needed - I was working long hours and wanted to eat healthier but needed the kickstart and help. Grow the Glow’s program was easy and offered the perfect solution!

- Tanaquil, Calgary

"I feel so mentally clear!"
I feel so mentally clear! For the first time in what feels like years. The brain fog lifted and what a gift. Less bloating and inflammation, more desire to stay on track to keep the momentum going thanks to the program. So mentally clear! For the first time in what feels like years. Finding Grow the Glow at a time when I was feeling a strong desire to make significant changes to how I was showing up for and taking care of myself was truly a blessing.

Having all meals, snacks, and teas planned out (which are delicious, btw!) allowed me to use that time and energy to focus inwards. The mental clarity and lifting of brain fog was the first improvement I noticed very early on in the 21 days and I’m soooo thankful for this!!

Reduction in cravings for sugary and salty snacks is something I didn’t think I’d experience- yet I hardly think of them now.

Thank you to Nikki and the entire Grow the Glow team for creating such an important program at a time when our health is everything. I can’t wait to continue on this journey with you for more. You are amazing! Keep going! You’re making such incredible changes for the GOOD in people’s lives.

- Sarah H, Calgary, working mom of 2 toddlers 

"The power of food is incredible"
This cleanse is worth it!! The knowledge gained by clean eating and how it makes you feel is so worth it. Before this cleanse I was having digestion concerns and within a week everything cleared up!! The power of food is incredible. 

The quality and variety of food was really enjoyable. I never felt hungry and still ended up losing 5lbs without even trying. I discovered new ways of thinking when it comes to eating and new combinations of food that I would never have found on my own. 

Thank you Nikki and team for such an incredible experience.

- Julie, Calgary

"I loved the recipes"
I detox regularly but I wanted to try something different and get some inspiration from Nikki because I've had her delicious food before. I loved the recipes and will use many of them in my regular rotation. I was surprised by how much better my skin and hair look and feel after this program. 

I feel less pain (suffered a back injury in 2020) and am more optimistic about recovering and getting back to running and hiking like I was before the injury. Thank you Nikki and everyone for putting this together. It was wonderful.

- Heather, 65, Calgary

"a life changer"
Grow the glow's 21 day local cleanse has been amazing for me and my husband. It has helped us to eat clean and nourishing foods that has resulted in feeling better, fitting into my skinny jeans and more energy. 

What I also love about this cleanse is it felt like a vacation, where I could free my mind and time of meal prep, cooking and wondering what my next meal should be. Now having gone through the 21 days I have ideas on how to eat healthier and incorporate it! Thank you so much, a life changer!

- Katherine, Calgary, photographer

"an easy way to give myself some love"
If you want amazing food and results you have to try this. My experience - less brain fog, less inflammation (I didn't lose weight but everything fit better, especially my rings!), and more energy. 

I loved that I didn't have to make the decision about what to cook every day and so appreciated the gentle reset and an easy way to give myself some love.

- Toni, Calgary

"Sugar tastes bad now"
What a joy to work with Nikki and Grow the Glow. I did the online program.. such a value.. amazing recipes and step by step guidance. The Sunday cooking sessions with Nikki were worth the price of the whole course. I’m leaving the program armed with alternatives to sugar that are even better. Sugar tastes bad now :-)) I have more energy and people are noticing. 

Love to you Nikki and thank you for your love and support in Grow the Glow.

- Julie, Sandpoint Idaho USA

Are You A Busy Mum & Dont Have Time?

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- Testimonial Name, Location
Meet Nikki Brule

Hi beauty! My name is Nikki Brule. I am a mom, a yogi, a healer, a SUPER big foodie, and a coach who helps women like you become WHOLE again.

But what exactly does becoming “whole again” even mean? Well, if you’re anything like me and most of the women who join my programs, you’ve probably been…broken…a few times in your life.

Failed relationships… Lost friends… Dramatic and painful changes in life you could have never predicted…

So let me be the one to say…

You Are NOT Alone!

When I was 13 years old my dad left me at home with my alcoholic mom who had very loose rules for the house. As a result, I stayed out late spending time with people that were not very good for my health.

I drank… I did drugs… I was taken advantage of both emotionally and physically (yes, exactly how you’re thinking)…

And although I tried to ignore it at the time, those experiences left me with ugly emotions that followed me around for years. But because I lacked the skills to show myself grace and release those emotions…

…I resorted to “stuffing” them down with external things because it was the only thing that made me feel “OK” when everything else was dark.

You Are NOT Alone!

When I was 13 years old my dad left me at home with my alcoholic mom who had very loose rules for the house. As a result, I stayed out late spending time with people that were not very good for my health.

I drank… I did drugs… I was taken advantage of both emotionally and physically (yes, exactly how you’re thinking)…

And although I tried to ignore it at the time, those experiences left me with ugly emotions that followed me around for years. But because I lacked the skills to show myself grace and release those emotions…

…I resorted to “stuffing” them down with external things because it was the only thing that made me feel “OK” when everything else was dark.

If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

In my late teens I overate… Alot!

I became close to 60lbs overweight at my heaviest.

A few years later I started doing cocaine to get me OUT of depression.

It kept me from feeling hungry and numbed my childhood trauma, so my occasional hit morphed into an intense addiction and eventually snowballed into anorexia where I became dangerously UNDERweight.

As you can see, I spent a long time in life swapping one addiction for another hoping I would finally find something that made me feel good ALL the time.

If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

But everything from overeating…

To alcoholism… To drug addiction… To UNDEReating so I could look like the models on magazines and TV… never made me feel better. 

Instead, I just felt…lost.

I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, WHY I was here.

But I did know I hated my body… I hated my choices… I hated that I was always looking for external validation…

But luckily for me, you, and the hundreds of women I’ve worked with over the years, my story didn’t end there.

At the young age of 25 years old, I discovered yoga...

Now that might not seem like a big thing in most people’s lives, but for me it was EVERYTHING.

Amidst all the bullshit I was putting myself through because I subconsciously felt I wasn’t worthy of love and connection…

Yoga became the lifeline that God gave me to start my health journey.

It allowed me to travel around the world with a clear mind ready to learn without the need to self medicate with substances.

I saw how different cultures approached health and learned…

If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

I visited Thailand and meditated in temples with locals…

I was inspired to surround myself with experts and teachers that helped me accelerate my progress to become Whole Again…

And through it all, I had a self-discovery awakening that allowed me to connect with myself and others on a deeper level than ever before…

And at long last, I FINALLY found myself liking - even LOVING the girl looking back at me in the mirror!

For the first time in my life I was starting to believe that little voice in the back of my mind saying… 

I visited Thailand and meditated in temples with locals…

I was inspired to surround myself with experts and teachers that helped me accelerate my progress to become Whole Again…

And through it all, I had a self-discovery awakening that allowed me to connect with myself and others on a deeper level than ever before…

And at long last, I FINALLY found myself liking - even LOVING the girl looking back at me in the mirror!

For the first time in my life I was starting to believe that little voice in the back of my mind saying… 

If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

“I am here for a reason.”

…wasn’t lying to me.  And guess what? 

That little voice telling me I am here for a reason was RIGHT. 

And no matter how bad, empty, or unfulfilling your life might feel right now…


Just look at me. It wasn’t that long ago I was swapping one addiction for another - drinking, eating, or doing drugs to STUFF DOWN the hard feelings that followed me around like a little raincloud over my head.

But today is a very different story....

I’ve been blessed to

  • Become a mother to my beautiful daughter
  • Step into WHOLENESS and reclaim my health in my body and my mind
  • ​Truly start feeling HAPPY wherever I go like it’s my default setting (without needing drugs, alcohol, or other substances)
  • ​And best of all, I’ve helped literally hundreds of other women become a little more Whole Again through my food recipes, free content, and coaching programs
If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

If Someone Like Me Can Do It? You CAN Do It Too!

You CAN get your health back…
You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…
You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…
You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand… It’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

So how do we heal what’s broken and become Whole Again?

This is exactly what The 90-Day Whole Again Transformation focuses on.

The first step is Detoxing our bodies and minds from toxic things…

The second step is to build a Yoga and Movement routine that will teach you unconditional love for your environment and your body…

And the third step is to surround yourself with a Community that loves you and inspires you to become better versions of yourself every day through meditation, powerful daily routines, and close female friendships…

If someone like me can do it? 
You CAN do it too

You CAN get your health back…

You CAN start feeling HAPPY again even if things feel dark right now…

You CAN release emotions that aren’t serving you anymore…

You CAN optimize yourself for success in every area of your life from your relationships to your finances to your overall fulfillment with life…

You CAN do it.

But just like it’s impossible to build a castle on a foundation of quicksand…

…it’s almost impossible to build your dream life if there is something broken inside of you.

this is EXACTLY what I want to help you do!

Because when you take the steps to become Whole Again, your life can take off and fly in directions you maybe never imagined.

Most people dream from a place of limited possibility and cut off what's actually possible.

But when we get out of our own way? What’s possible is much more than we can imagine from where we stand today.

What Do You Get When You Sign Up For My Whole Again 90-Day Transformation?

Whole Again is a 90-day program designed to help you physically, emotionally, and spiritually HEAL. That means getting UNSTUCK and developing a loving and healthy relationship with your body, so you can treat yourself like a priority and leave the weight dragging you down in the past where it belongs.

Learning to make and eat better tastier and healthier foods that even your family will love ;)... And connect to your High Self and intuition to guide you forward in your life…

In order to help you achieve these results, I’ve laid out your Whole Again Transformation in 3 different stages.

Stage One

Cleanse, Clear, And Detox 

The first 30 days of your Whole Again Transformation will be focused on creating a fast transformation in your PHYSICAL body.

You are going to shift your daily habits, start moving your body, lose weight, and reacquaint with how your body flows on a fundamental level.

To start off I am going to give you my 30-Day Grow The Glow Detox for FREE [normally $1,200 USD] which will give you a full menu of my personal FAVORITE gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar free recipes.

*They super yummi and filling, I promise :)*

In this first stage you’ll learn how to shop for, cook, and serve each meal at home for Yummi Wellness in our weekly online cooking sessions!

[Days 1-30]

Stage One

Cleanse, Clear, And Detox 

The first 30 days of your Whole Again Transformation will be focused on creating a fast transformation in your PHYSICAL body.

You are going to shift your daily habits, start moving your body, lose weight, and reacquaint with how your body flows on a fundamental level.

To start off I am going to give you my 30-Day Grow The Glow Detox for FREE [normally $1,200 USD] which will give you a full menu of my personal FAVORITE gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar free recipes.

*They super yummi and filling, I promise :)*

In this first stage you’ll learn how to shop for, cook, and serve each meal at home for Yummi Wellness in our weekly online cooking sessions!

[Days 1-30]

Stage TWO


By the time you reach day 30 are going to be feeling AMAZING thanks to my Grow The Glow Detox.

You’ll have regained mental clarity…

Rebalanced your gut to prevent intense and uncomfortable bloating…

And revitalized your energy levels from flushing out most (a lot) yucky toxins that have been taking shelter in your body…

With a clean slate of health to work with, we are going to move into CONNECTING with your body and your environment.

This will include Yummi Yogis Flow sessions… Ecstatic dance classes…

And yoga mat workouts that you’ll follow along to pumping awesome music from The Yummi Yogis Playlists!!

You will access all exercises through The Yummi Yogis Membership Area where you’ll be able to click on follow along exercises and classes with me.

The membership area is organized day by day so all you need to do is log on, click on today’s video, and follow along with the instructions.

Each video will take between 20-30 minutes so you have plenty of time to fit them in whenever works best for your schedule :)

[Days 31-60]



Coming into your final 30-day stretch, you’ll likely be FEELING better than you have in years!

You will be eating yummi foods… Being kind to your body with daily movement… And now it’s time to use this good momentum to build something special… :)

Now it’s time to dip your toes in the spiritual waters of meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual growth.

No, this doesn’t mean organized religion, going to church, being baptised, or anything else like that.

Instead we are going to focus on opening your spiritual body to receive from the Universe.

This will include:
  • Guided meditations
  • Mirror work
  • Manifestation practices
  • ​Energy clearing
  • ​Classes with me
  • ​And journaling
These practices are designed to help you architect your dream life from the perspective of a CREATOR.

By the time you reach the end of this 90-Day Whole Again Transformation, you will learn the importance of letting go of conditional love and start loving for yourself and those around you UNconditionally.

I’m so excited for you!

And finally, know that everything you receive in this 90-Day Whole Again Transformation will be yours to take and use forever through the rest of your life to STAY WHOLE even after the 90-day transformation :)

[Days 61-90]


The Whole Again Tribe

Immediately upon * joining Whole Again you’ll immediately become a member of our Whole Again Community and remain a member for the duration of the program. *for life??

But what exactly is The Whole Again Accountability Tribe?

As humans, there is nothing more VITAL to feeling whole than being part of a community of people who get you!

Amidst the pandemic and restrictions, so many people have had their communities ripped away from them. And me and the ladies inside Whole Again are no exception!

We used to have live get togethers at my home in Calgary where we would do yoga, cater food, and connect…

But our pandemic (plandemic) LOL took that away from us for a while.
This is why I created The Whole Again Tribe - an online planning, supporting, loving, connecting community where all Whole Again Members have access to each other in a dedicated space.

Right now we share our wins, help each other, and offer support. And eventually we WILL be using this online space to organize LIVE EVENTS when we can finally get together in person again (we may even be hosting live events together by the time you read this page).

So if you’ve been feeling lonely, lost, and isolated…this community is for you to STOP FEELING ALONE.

Join the tribe and become Whole Again with a community of sisters!
More Client Results...

Just look at the results my clients are getting!

Who Is whole again NOT For?

Please DO NOT book a Transformation Session with me and apply to join Whole Again if:
  • You are someone who needs a ton of handholding
  • You are someone who doesn’t actually use the program and follow instruction
  • ​You are someone who is not committed to achieving a real transformation
  • ​You are mean, ungrateful, or toxic
  • ​You are a “downer” who is determined to be sad and angry no matter what
If that’s you, please DO NOT apply to join "Whole Again" as this program is not a good fit for you.

Who Is whole again For?

Please ONLY book a Transformation Session with me and apply for your 90-Day Whole Again Transformation if you are:
  • Feeling drained, bored, tired, or just fed up with your life and ready for a change NOW 
  • ​Wanting MORE out of life than your typical day-to-day routine
  • ​Ambitious and committed to personal growth
  • Wanting to feel GOOD again
  • ​Looking to add some LIGHT to your life
  • Wanting to get healthier and maybe even lose some weight
  • Ready to become a leader for your kids, your friends, your family, and yourself
  • ​Determined to live a MEANINGFUL life that makes you feel alive
  • Ready to overcome your restrictions, limitations, or current state of being to become MORE, even if everyone else tells you “you can’t do it”
  • A team player that is ready to be part of a sisterhood of other women committed to personal growth!
If that is you, click the button below to fill out your Whole Again Application and book your Transformation Session now!

The 90-Day 

Whole Again transformation

Looking For Answers?
Frequently Asked Questions
Question One
Will I lose weight in this program?
Please Watch The Video For the answer to this question
Question Two
What if I suck at cooking?
Please Watch The Video For the answer to this question
Question Three
How do I know this will work for me?
Please Watch The Video For the answer to this question
Question Four
I haven’t worked out in so long and I’m not flexible, will that be a problem for me to join?
Please Watch The Video For the answer to this question
Question Five
My day is already so busy, how will I ever fit something like this in?
Please Watch The Video For the answer to this question
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